What is it with Western politicians who seem to completely miss what is going on? Perhaps they live in ivory towers and are unaffected by the things that are happening. Possibly they are interested in shifting populations and are considering the macroeconomic effect of the situation. They may even be sadists who just get a kick out of seeing the fear and the suffering that their actions are causing. But for some reason, Western politicians are determined to continue with the abuse of the people that they are supposed to be protecting and helping, and they seem more interested in pandering to the very ones that are causing all of the damage and upheaval than to their own countrymen.
Why would they do that?
Find out what Western politicians are doing to cause so much suffering in their own countries, page 2:
Brian Johnson ,YOU’my Man have it very close,This IS a sign of the last days spoken of even by Jesus,this the plague of locusts also that come up out of the abyss they with help of the cults like the Mason to bring in the antiChrist and his one world government so just be/get ready !
Wake up and start killing these evil animals!
yeah and snadmonkeys demostarting in the streets of white nations makes my trigger finger accidently slip oh nevermind
They did it to themselves…..
These are Muslim invaders seizing power. So clear to the citizens so complicated by government officials.
I say we supply arms and weapons to the Swedish citizens and let then take care of their problems that way. Do like Russia does. They’re the shining example of what to do with refugees. Kill ’em anyway possible.
Islam is not a race and Muslim is not an ethnic group. Islam is a set of ideas and Muslims are people who follow those ideas. It is not only appropriate but imperative that the world take a closer look at those ideas and those who follow that set of ideas. The originator of this set of ideas had sex with a 9 year old girl, slit the throats of two poets for writing negative verses about him, enslaved thousands of people, raped hundreds of women, ordered the murder of 800 unarmed people, and led twelve armed military actions. Since that time the people who follow his ideas have carried out more than ten thousand jihads which have resulted in the deaths of eighty million Hindus, sixty million Christians, ten million Buddhists, and over one hundred and twenty million Africans. Today, 2016, followers of his ideas own more slaves than were brought to North America during the entire history of the United States. Followers of his ideas murder more people on average per day than the Klan have killed in the past one hundred years. Values and ideas are not equal and do not deserve equal respect. Islamophobia is a nonsense term that tries to conflate criticism of its fantastical claims with generalized bigotry. Islam is a set of ideas that simply cannot hold its own in an argument.
Of course, the appalling status, disregard, and lack of rights for women, within Islam’s Quo’ran, and laws, isn’t even considered? Muslim men, having been proven to have beaten, raped, and even killed women, have been permitted to present the defense that their culture, laws, and religion enables them to treat women as they do. Liberal nutjob judges have actually sat, on the bench, and entertained these “defenses”, even though doing so subjugated the laws, they had sworn to faithfully execute, to the laws of Islam. This is not an issue of religious tollerance, or freedom. It is a matter of culture, and the laws which protect, defend, and define our culture. To the left, such cultural considerations, are unfair, as they believe that all cultures are equal. They are not. Some cultures have embraced Evil, while others have rejected Evil. Of course, even the concept of “Evil” is rejected by liberals, who, ironically, are, themselves, labelled as “Evil”, by Islam.
The only thing that causes rapes are degenerates who don’t have any regard for their victims, respect for society or any sense of basic common decency. That pretty much sums up the Islamic faith.