What is it with Western politicians who seem to completely miss what is going on? Perhaps they live in ivory towers and are unaffected by the things that are happening. Possibly they are interested in shifting populations and are considering the macroeconomic effect of the situation. They may even be sadists who just get a kick out of seeing the fear and the suffering that their actions are causing. But for some reason, Western politicians are determined to continue with the abuse of the people that they are supposed to be protecting and helping, and they seem more interested in pandering to the very ones that are causing all of the damage and upheaval than to their own countrymen.
Why would they do that?
Find out what Western politicians are doing to cause so much suffering in their own countries, page 2:
Such a shame.
Such a shame.
Where ever these fuckers go they are burning someone’s flag and shouting about how Islam will dominate the world.
Enough is enough. These people don’t bring anything positive with them.
Start enforcing the law on both sides or expect civil war
Racist police have become the new boogey man scapegoat of the left. Nordic countries have always been peaceful modern countries.Chaos and turmoil is a result of a civilization clash and a complete disrespect of women’s freedom.Sexual violence has occurred in every western countries with large muslim communities.It even happened in Egypt to Lara Logan a widely recognized reporter.Has it ever occurred to you that these attacks on women is the start of conditioning us (like their women)to become 2nd class citizens?To break us down into submission.A silenl misognyist attempt of the government to get their 1 world government at any cost.The world is in a rash if$#%&!@*and their is no avoiding it.Remaing ignorant to the factis now longer an option.
Early in modern american history the yet unsettled western frontier was without establish law, and unfit for settling.when the US calvary came in force homesteading was established and a country and civilization came it being ,but first a iron fist was needed .Law needed to be enforced.Excuses not made.A criminal element squashed,not enabled.Or civilization is f**ked not improved.
You voted now live with it. morons your country is being given away by your leadership.
Are these aaahheemmm cross dressers too or is it that they like to stay in their night gowns all day like the pussies they are!?