What is it with Western politicians who seem to completely miss what is going on? Perhaps they live in ivory towers and are unaffected by the things that are happening. Possibly they are interested in shifting populations and are considering the macroeconomic effect of the situation. They may even be sadists who just get a kick out of seeing the fear and the suffering that their actions are causing. But for some reason, Western politicians are determined to continue with the abuse of the people that they are supposed to be protecting and helping, and they seem more interested in pandering to the very ones that are causing all of the damage and upheaval than to their own countrymen.
Why would they do that?
Find out what Western politicians are doing to cause so much suffering in their own countries, page 2:
WE the people CANNOT let these traitor politicians decide our fate any longer. The time is NOW. We cannot let America become Europe.
No, STUPID liberal policies allowing these animals to run rampant through your country is causing those rapes!
F**k these scumbags. People really need to learn their language, read there fiction religion books (Muhammad the pedophile, woman torturing false prophet) and truly see what their beliefs are really about. Just look at how barbaric their laws are. Human rights violations on a daily basis that are worse than what was done to races of people during the holocaust. People need to wake up and smell the acid burning womans faces off, see them being stoned to death or mutilated. See the lucky ones who are beheaded saving them from ruthless torture.
No excuses.
This is all apart of a greater plan that someone is orchestrating. Think about it, why would all these countries turn a blind eye to all of this like its no big deal? Someone knows something and they aren’t talking.
I think wearing dirty night shirts and global warming and not being able to go into the women’s bathroom causes rape. Ya that’s it. Never their fault
S 5% of Swedish population is Muslim they will tell you what are major problem they are
They belong in Mecca
If your “religion” condones rape, your doing it wrong unless your God is satan.
so let’s fix all of this by letting gay couples protect their marijuana Fields with fully automatic machine guns vote Austin Petersen