President Trump infuriated the left again when he cited Sweden as an example of a western nation that has lost its streets to violent gangs of migrants. So we are naturally interested when an investigative journalist took a trip to that country to find out firsthand whether the president’s assertions were correct or not. It turns out that Mr. Trump is correct.
For the past week, reporter Tim Pool has been conducting interviews and visiting Sweden’s migrant suburbs in a bid to get an accurate picture of what is happening.
Having left Malmo, Pool traveled to Rinkeby, the scene of last week’s riots when cars were set ablaze and journalists, shopkeepers and police officers were attacked.
“We weren’t filming anyone, we were just talking to police. They started getting nervous as men started masking up around us,” tweeted Pool.
The men began “staring” at Pool and talking to each other, he adds.
“The police started getting scared and and very calmly and quietly said it would be smart if you were to leave right now. He told me to look around at what the people were doing,” said Pool.
The police clearly believed they would be unable to defend Mr. Pool from locals.
Pool was followed out of the area by police after being told, “If we make an arrest right now there could be 50 people here in minutes with stones.”
“As we were walking out people started following us. The police escorted us to our car and we left. We had one small camera that we weren’t pointing at anyone,” said Pool.
It turns out once again that President Trump is correct. It is unfortunate if people choose to be offended by situations and stories such as these, but it is far more unfortunate to have to live in such places. When a city’s police force cannot protect one or two journalists who are just walking around, you know that police force has lost control of the city.
And we do not want that in America.
Source: Infowars
Again, there’s a couple of lines on the first page here you can use to link this to other TnA articles as you suggested once you’ve adjusted the article titles to get the final article links. Regards, Craig
Get your weapons back and fight the Invaders!
Nope. He wasn’t. This is the definition of f**e news.
60 minutes tried and left quickly LMAO
Haha you really believe this. Better tell the Swedes this hahaha