President Trump has frequently asserted that migrants present a danger to the nations into which they flood — especially those who have not been aggressively vetted. This has enraged the left as it works directly against their goal of the destruction of western culture.
Yet this has been proven to be true in case after case. Germany is losing control of its culture as well as its security as portions of its cities turn into zones of lawlessness and violence. The same thing has happened in Oslo, Norway. Now we can add Sweden to that list.
More on page two.
Again, there’s a couple of lines on the first page here you can use to link this to other TnA articles as you suggested once you’ve adjusted the article titles to get the final article links. Regards, Craig
Get your weapons back and fight the Invaders!
Nope. He wasn’t. This is the definition of f**e news.
60 minutes tried and left quickly LMAO
Haha you really believe this. Better tell the Swedes this hahaha