It’s been said here before but it bears repeating: Islam is not just a religious faith that includes some rules of conduct for followers. It contains a body of religious and civil law for governing the people in the lands under Islamic control. This would be referred to as Sharia law. Those who adhere to to the faith are expected to follow Islamic law even when it conflicts with the laws of any government that may already exist.
Much of Sharia law is incompatible with our Western legal traditions. Specifically, it cannot be reconciled with our Constitution. Many of the provision of Islamic law are anathema to our culture and its traditions. An example of this incompatibility is illustrated on page two.
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Just goes to show you Sweden how you low & total$#%&!@*to the human race your country has become.
Do you see what the Bible means when the whole world will hate America, it has begun, without the Evil entities plans following through by not being able to have their NWO role player hillary Clinton as president the plan of implementing sharia law and enforcing a middleastern occult religion on America is not going to happen, the enemy was not expecting God to interfere with their evil agenda by making Trump leader of America, now the enemy will do everything in their power to gather All the NWO nations against us, they may have more numbers but we have our second amendment and we have our Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus said the gates of hell shall not prevail!
They were never very smart people .
Sick M-Fers and even sicker are those that defend Islam.
So stupid and wrong. Looks like the Islamic are take over.
what happened to staying netural
Child abuse is child abuse ;no matter in name of religion Wrong is wrong no matter hoe you say eslewhere
Animals surrendering to evil
Falling down the rabbit hole