It’s been said here before but it bears repeating: Islam is not just a religious faith that includes some rules of conduct for followers. It contains a body of religious and civil law for governing the people in the lands under Islamic control. This would be referred to as Sharia law. Those who adhere to to the faith are expected to follow Islamic law even when it conflicts with the laws of any government that may already exist.
Much of Sharia law is incompatible with our Western legal traditions. Specifically, it cannot be reconciled with our Constitution. Many of the provision of Islamic law are anathema to our culture and its traditions. An example of this incompatibility is illustrated on page two.
No surprises here ,Sweden is the toilet of the world.
The swedish vollyball team will now look like thier from greece
It seems the Swedes want to go back to the 7th century..
Stupid A$$****$!
Very sick and wrong
I guess Sweden And Germany have lost their minds as well as their identities and ethics.
Not in my country
More propaganda from truth and action
So Sweden has become another third world cesspool.