It’s been said here before but it bears repeating: Islam is not just a religious faith that includes some rules of conduct for followers. It contains a body of religious and civil law for governing the people in the lands under Islamic control. This would be referred to as Sharia law. Those who adhere to to the faith are expected to follow Islamic law even when it conflicts with the laws of any government that may already exist.
Much of Sharia law is incompatible with our Western legal traditions. Specifically, it cannot be reconciled with our Constitution. Many of the provision of Islamic law are anathema to our culture and its traditions. An example of this incompatibility is illustrated on page two.
IF TRUE, Sweden has just given its country a death sentence.
Swedes are too liberal. They will subjugate themselves and their country to avoid being labelled racist. One can only hope that they wake up before it’s too late.
What have you been smoking old man !!!!!
Such a nice country going to hell in a hurry
Sharia law is misogyny personified and the Koran instructs it’s followers to convert, subjugate or kill all unbelievers. Islam is THE CANCER of humanity and should be obliterated with extreme prejudice. Not sure if you are just stirring things up or believe what you’re posting but if you believe, you need to read up.
You are very stupid!!!
No John Cannon you are wrong. Well not so much wrong as forgetting the Old Testament of the Bible. The Bible is actually as violent or even more so. Have you read the Koran? I am not a Muslim in any sense. But I have both the Bible and Koran.
Let’s look at a couple distrubing Bible verses shall we?
Luke 19:27 ” But as for these enemies of mine ,who did not want me to reign over them,bring them , bring them here and slaughter them before me”.
Ephesians 6:12 ” For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood , but against ….
Deuteronomy 21:18-21 ” if a man has a stubborn and rebellious son……then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear,and fear.
Deuteronomy 17: 1-20. I assume you are aware of these scriptures.
Matthew 5:18
Matthew 13:39…..
What Koran chapters are you referring to John Cannon ?
I have more. Sounds like you need to ” read up “
If all cultural “norms” (like child brides) are equal, then Hell comes to rule — especially for little girls. If all are not equal in GOD’s Sight and if we are not held accountable to protect the Little Ones ON HIS BEHALF, then He cannot and will not protect us in our hour of need. Simple as that.
They’ll be sorry!!