We have national leaders and their willing allies, often in the media, who refuse to acknowledge the concept of passing the point of no return. In other words, contrary to what many left-wing interventionists believe, you can so profoundly screw things up that they simply cannot be fixed. At least not without a total reset, if that is even possible.
One would hope that leaders who have yet to destroy their nations by allowing unlimited Muslim immigration would take note of what is happening in nations that have done so, or are otherwise well on their way to doing so.
Muslims arrive with not just a set of religious beliefs, but with a religion that contains its own legal code. So, depending on how strictly the Islamic migrants are going to insist on living under their religion’s unique laws is going to have a lot to do with whether your Western nation is going to be torn apart.
Sweden may have woken up too late to what they have allowed to happen. More on their tragedy on page two.
then learn to fight
Round their asses up, put them in camps. Deport the trash back where they came from. It is simple.
You made your bed with all those refugees,now lie in it,
I seen it coming. What a shame
You know the cause. You know the solution. You just need the intestinal fortitude to do it.
Call out the military.
Hire a bunch of military from United States retired Fighters give them all that guns and ammunition they need kill every last one of them. If you’re not going to fight quit bitching
And because you asked for it.
Their not on the brink. They already rolled over and stuck their$#%&!@*in the air at an orgy.
Your ‘leadership’ created the problem………seems like a self inflicted wound?