All 4.8 households in Sweden have received a 20-page pamphlet from their government telling them how to prepare for war, even though the country that hasn’t been at war for more than 200 years.
The brochure warns Sweden, which has not been at war for 200 years, not to become complacent saying: “If Sweden is attacked by another country, we will never give up. All information to the effect that resistance is to cease is false.”
The pamphlet, illustrated with war planes, tanks and soldiers, lists the essentials families should have on hand to cope with a crisis
It comes as a debate continues in the country over whether or not Sweden should join NATO and allegations Russia has violated their airspace and territorial waters.
The document will also be available for download in Swedish, English and more than a dozen languages.
It includes information about what an emergency box should contain such as canned food, pasta, dried food and wet wipes.
Swedes are also urged to keep some cash on them should ATMs not work and keep note of emergency phone numbers.
Sweden’s public safety body General Director Dan Eliasson said in a statement: “We all have a responsibility for our country’s safety and preparedness, so it’s important for everyone to also have knowledge on how we can contribute if something serious occurs.
Tensions between Sweden and Russia have been on the rise ever since the Scandinavian nation backed sanctions on the superpower following its annexation of Ukraine
Sweden’s public safety body General Director Dan Eliasson said it was important for Swedes to be prepared
“Sweden is safer than many other countries but threats exist.”
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