Perceived hate speech is a prosecutable offense. Who makes up what constitutes hate speech and what constitutes freedom of speech? No one knows. It is impossible to definitively define.
Liberal censorship of Islam is very tricky to understand. Stating facts about Islam can be considered hate speech. If an average everyday white self-professed Christian man were to marry a 6-year-old child, we’d all be allowed to publicly call him a pedophile. Let’s call this imaginary white guy, “John Doe”, we don’t want to risk being too original. Liberals hate that. So, any news organization could say “John Doe” is a pedophile who married a 6-year-old girl. Now let’s talk about a real guy from history. Now, this guy isn’t white. He spoke Arabic. He wrote a really famous book between 609 and 632 CE. Hateful white people say he did something very similar to what our imagery “John Doe” did except he also said God wanted him to marry the child in order to bring her great pleasure and happiness. And that’s about the extent of what we can say about that unnamed guy, who’s not white, spoke Arabic, wrote a famous book starting with a Q, without censorship banning us from this communication platform.
That is why one always needs to be careful. As Nigel Pelham found out when the FBI knocked on his door with a shocking warrant that many are calling unconditional on multiple levels. It’s all on the next page.
Only the TRUTH will stop them.
Welcome to the$#%&!@*state of libtards.
For 1400 years. Islam has hated the truth to be known. An cowards crawl under rocks afraid it might offend them. F**k them for their whole sick ideology offends a civilized world.
Vote out the lib.lab
Con or you are the cause
Well they had better arrest me too then, as I hate everything Islam stands for. They hate us with a ferocity un-equalled anywhere on earth. They take everything from us, our homes, jobs, benefits, rape and murder our children and are the biggest hate crime abusers of them all, yet you arrest a man for speaking his mind. I feel sorry for this Government when the penny finally drops on this sorry lot, as we Brits never forget. We never forget the treachery of anyone, as we remember your face, your name and what you did to appease the biggest load of anti Christian despots the world has ever had the misfortune to be forced to know. I am ashamed of the corrupt, vile and hateful treachery of our Government, and all its divisions, including the Police, and when push comes to shove, they will pay for their crimes against our right to free speech. SHAME on YOU ALL. Free this man and TOMMY ROBINSON!
Democracy is dead. I’m a Catholic and my religion has been ridiculed after the Child Abuse by Catholic Priests and I have to take the shame because of what my Church was doing and is still doing. No Liberal stuck up for us and rightly so. I had to accept the criticism and Muslims have to accept Criticism if bad things happen in their name.
They have quite the scam going. “I can do whatever I want because this book says so, have to dress this way, have to have my church where I want, and can interrupt anyone or anything to do what I believe, and no one is allowed to stop me”. Besides getting into the kill everyone that doesn’t believe angle, these people must have a lot of MONEY from getting their way because politicians and governments LOVE them. And money is the only thing they really love….