Hillary takes every chance to bring up her womanhood on the campaign trail. She’s a trailblazer because she’s a woman, she’s an underdog because she’s a woman, and — laughably — the former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State is a political outsider because she is a woman.
Well some liberals aren’t having that, and they’re speaking out.
Actress Susan Sarandon took to her Twitter account on Wednesday to reiterate her support for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)’ presidential campaign, saying it is “insulting” that women would be asked to vote for a female president based on gender alone.
“I don’t vote with my vagina,” the 69-year-old Thelma and Louise star tweeted. “It’s so insulting to women to think that you would follow a candidate JUST because she’s a woman.”“HRC doesn’t rep my interests, @BernieSanders does. Simple as that,” she added, using an acronym for Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sanders’ rival for the Democratic nomination.
Sarandon first voiced her support for Sanders in September when she joined Artists for Bernie, a coalition of more than 120 actors, directors and musicians that are publicly supporting the socialist Vermont senator’s run.
The actress appeared at a Sanders rally in Iowa last month, where she sharply criticized Clinton over the former New York senator’s vote to authorize the Iraq war.
“She’s had a job, but what has she done that we’re bragging about? How has she led?” Sarandon said last month.
Hillary’s sex may not be enough to save her from her scandalous past and flip-flops on major policy points, and without her “woman card,” she may have no campaign at all.
Source: Breitbart
That’s all you can come up with for news is a another Hollywood liberal p.o.s. This election can’t get here soon enough so we can oust every son of a$#%&!@*in there an fire all of Obama’s buddy’s !
Doesn’t vote w her head either apparently
there are varying degrees of socialism and one that steals as much as our government has is immoral. the soviet union has a flat tax of 12% they saw through the evil of socialism at the higher taxation levels and rebelled against it. Colleges are full of teachers that dumb down the students not teaching them anything worthy of paying such astronomical amounts of money. A true student is someone that can buy the books or find them online free and use their natural mental ability to learn any subject without the need for any monitoring or mentoring from a teacher. This is now possible with the power of the Internet and forums can provide self support for those struggling.
Health care should be far less costly it is a partnership in theft between the corporations selling us medical services and the government that is taxing us. The need for healthcare is universal and paying for it would be less expensive if we would avoid the poisons that our government is allowing into our food air and water but then again their goal is not our perfect health just till we are a burden to the government and on social security then when we die the payment of social security ceases. This financial incentive to end our life at the age we begin to collect social security is probably behind some of the justification to allow such evil poisoning to continue. Fluoride, vaccines, GMO’s, chemtrails, monsantos and other companies in the poison buisiness these are their methids to limit human lifetime so that we do not over extend our welcome on this planet according tot he eugenicist socialists. EVIL exists and those who espouse socialism are the greatest evil on this planet and the official communist satanist organization that endorses Barrie Sanders shows us this .
I have solved the cost problem that others suffer from I purchase membership in a program that pays for my medical expenses. The cost is $200 per month and I only pay the first $500 in eligible expenses. If I had a family with as many kids as I cared the cost would be limited to $450.
Sanders is very much for the forcing of vaccines on all children and this would create a holocaust of death and disease. He is also for raising taxes and even the insane carbon tax which sends our money to other countries. The man is not against the federal reserve he is saying that he was wanting it audited but only when there are many who will not vote to audit it so he can be said to endorse auditing it but when we do have a good shot at getting it audited he voted against auditing it. The man is a loser has never worked in a successful business or in a decent job so he is not a peer of the majority of Americans he has been on welfare most of his life no wonder he is a socialist. He is also a dual citizen Israeli and I feel that we should only allow presidents that are citizens of our country and only our country. His love for Israel as a Jew is never going to allow him to do anything that is good for the USA if it is also bad for Israel so there is a major conflict of Interest. Israel is populated by khazarians not real Jews and the bible says what they are in revelations 3:9 they are the synagogue of Satan and this is the word of Christ. If you are Christian and you support Israel you are supporting Satan. whtt.org has more on this. The khazarians were Babylonian survivors of the destruction and these Babylonians were not Jewish they were Satanists and that is why the Persian king Cyrus the great attacked them and it was the Zoroastrians who named their god Satan. They sacrificed children to moloch it says this in the bible as well. Hebrews were enslaved by the Babylonians just as they were in Egypt except the Babylonians were in league with Satan and you can read how these people manipulated the teachings of the Hebrews to practice all manner of perversion if you read the Babylonian Talmud.
Sew that and your mouth up
Good for you Susan! I don’t vote with my penis either. I save that “dude”, along with his 2 “friends”, for much more important “National Security” issues. lmao