Susan Sarandon Compares Syrian Refugees To Jesus

Sarandon then talks about how she approached her without a translator and somehow knew exactly what she was saying. While there isn’t anything too shocking about any of that, besides her magical linguistic abilities, it’s what she said next that most would and will have a problem with.

After setting up her story and knowing what the young girl was saying, despite not being able to speaking Arabic, Sarandon begins to compare the young girl’s journey to that of Mary and Joseph, thus comparing her baby to Jesus.

Five days old, she tells me with her fingers. “Beautiful,” I say.

She is beaming and so proud.

How did this young girl, just having given birth, manage that trip at sea? How did she do all that walking? Where did she give birth? Wasn’t Mary just a kid too when she and Joseph took to the road?

Do you see what she did there? In her attempts to compare Muslims to mostly non-violent God fearing religions, she showed exactly how little she knows about what she’s talking about. Mary and Joseph weren’t refugees, and they weren’t chased from their home by a terrorist organization. The liberal media will let just about anybody be a journalist these days.





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