The average American has an extra $500-$700 just laying around to flush in 2015, right? I mean middle income families can afford, while living paycheck to paycheck, to give the government another $60 or so a month in taxes. Well, surprise America, here is another example of “You have to pass it to know what is in it…” Thanks Nancy Pelosi, we the people appreciate the opportunity to once again let the government take more and more of our livelihood, against our will.
Most everyone who pays for health insurance this year will be subject to a 41 percent excise tax, due to hidden fees in the “Affordable Care Act”. Real affordable, right?
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OK. Who’s getting the kick backs?
Eliminate and Execute Bumma Now
September 5th, rally with your community. Spread the word. Send the message to Congress, ” Impeach Obama “! Before it’s too late!
Obama is a liar. He has damaged Our Country in so many ways and some of them won’t come out until after he is long gone.
only parasites benefit from this disaster !!! The creators of this unlawfull joke should all be in prison !!
More people lost healthcare then got it and the ones that lost it or are losing it are the ones working!
DeMs Keep drinking the cool aide
All Americans who bought health insurance policies this year – not just those enrolled in Obamacare – face a 41 percent increase in excise taxes because of hidden fees contained in an obscure section of the Affordable Care Act, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation.
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I with more people would see that.