The average American has an extra $500-$700 just laying around to flush in 2015, right? I mean middle income families can afford, while living paycheck to paycheck, to give the government another $60 or so a month in taxes. Well, surprise America, here is another example of “You have to pass it to know what is in it…” Thanks Nancy Pelosi, we the people appreciate the opportunity to once again let the government take more and more of our livelihood, against our will.
Most everyone who pays for health insurance this year will be subject to a 41 percent excise tax, due to hidden fees in the “Affordable Care Act”. Real affordable, right?
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Wait wait
Grape gets old anyways
How do you think Mr. and Mrs. Skippy can afford all those extended vacations to Cape Cod?
I decided a while ago that I was done filing taxes. This is the year most people who failed to buy Commie Care and had the fee taken out of previous tax returns, you go to prison for failure to bow to the king. Fun Fact: If your income falls below the IRS filing threshold (low income) for your age and filing status, you don’t need to file a federal tax return.
That was the idea
Well stated!
Obutthurts obamacacare will be repealed as its worthless and costs more and most people cannot afford it and are penalized if they don’t have it
My insurance went up 45% already for me and my wife, with no kids, and supposed to go up another 40% next year, but tell a customer that I have to raise my fees, where is it going to come from?
share that everywhere
Not sure which I dislike the most….him or his obamascam act.