The average American has an extra $500-$700 just laying around to flush in 2015, right? I mean middle income families can afford, while living paycheck to paycheck, to give the government another $60 or so a month in taxes. Well, surprise America, here is another example of “You have to pass it to know what is in it…” Thanks Nancy Pelosi, we the people appreciate the opportunity to once again let the government take more and more of our livelihood, against our will.
Most everyone who pays for health insurance this year will be subject to a 41 percent excise tax, due to hidden fees in the “Affordable Care Act”. Real affordable, right?
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The statute calls this an “annual fee”, but in reality it is an excise tax, according to healthcare economists. Those who the “Affordable Care Act” is supposed to help the most, the poor and elderly, will be terribly impacted by this “annual fee”. The estimates for Medicare Advantage would cost seniors $360 more this year. Medicaid managed-care enrollees will be expected to face increases of $152, according to the firm.
Awesome! I guess the Kool Aid doesn’t taste good anymore.
Russians are disguising their first delivery of arms and nuke technology to Iran. Calling it naval exercises ! Selling billions of dollars in weapons and nuclear power plants to Iran and gets oil for $9 a barrel ! That finger is for the United States! Vladimir Putin will sell that oil on the world market for $ trillions! Look out !
Well what did you think was going to happen this man cares nothing about the American people black or white or what ever race you are and no one saw this coming really people
LOL How’s that Obamacare working out for ya! Obama loves all of you.
I’ll just go ahead and pay attention to everything you do
So how’s that hope and change going for you that voted for him?
This had nothing to do with helping people who needed insurance Obama is glowing that he passed this, and he is the worst president in U.S. history.
People were told and warned this happen. Thank Obama as it is plan and guess what there are even more taxes to come because of it.
If you like your tax, you can’t keep it because you really didn’t earn it.