When the Supreme Court lost its most conservative member earlier this year, many thought that the remaining term could be a disaster for personal liberty cases. It turns out they were right. In the most recent decision, however, it’s not the court’s liberal wing who’s to blame. This time, the court’s traditionally conservative members dealt a confusing blow to the constitution’s Fourth Amendment.
Justices Thomas, Alito, Breyer, Kennedy, and Roberts joined forces in a decision that would grant the government additional search and seizure authority without probable cause. The decision likely intends to empower the police to stop and punish crime, but without prior knowledge of a crime being committed, all it does is allow a private citizen to be subject to imprisonment at the whim of U.S. authorities.
See what power this decision gives the U.S. government on the next page:
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fot that,, much of the SC needs to hang.
Never knew the Supreme Court had the power to change US laws. They seem to be in competition with muslims who want to use sharia law against us. Another reason to vote for Trump.
If this is true then there might be more cops getting shot when stopping people with no probable cause… Just saying…
yea but we only have deal with a presidenty for 8yr max those people can be there for 30-40yrs
Barack’s pawns at work. Thanks$#%&!@*
catch 22
i say make it an elected position with 1 term of 6yrs
They frequently redefine the constitution, look at the 1st amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” Yet the courts forbid letting children pray in school, or many adults in public places. The 2nd amendment: “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. ‘ where does it mention magazine capacity?