When the Supreme Court lost its most conservative member earlier this year, many thought that the remaining term could be a disaster for personal liberty cases. It turns out they were right. In the most recent decision, however, it’s not the court’s liberal wing who’s to blame. This time, the court’s traditionally conservative members dealt a confusing blow to the constitution’s Fourth Amendment.
Justices Thomas, Alito, Breyer, Kennedy, and Roberts joined forces in a decision that would grant the government additional search and seizure authority without probable cause. The decision likely intends to empower the police to stop and punish crime, but without prior knowledge of a crime being committed, all it does is allow a private citizen to be subject to imprisonment at the whim of U.S. authorities.
See what power this decision gives the U.S. government on the next page:
Well then … this is really about nothing then.
Nope, I didn’t lose anything until they physically take it!
So you want to reduce or eliminate gun violence….
“Let’s begin with the basics: The first police force was created in Boston (1838) for the purposes of Slave Patrols and as a mechanism to insure a stable and orderly work force…..
The police represent the most direct means by which the state imposes its will on the citizenry. They are armed, trained, and authorized to use force. Like the possibility of arrest, the threat of violence is implicit in every police encounter. Violence, as well as the law, is what they represent.”
The police kill rate is nearly 30 times that of the average citizen, yet somehow people still call for disarming citizens and say nothing about the police.
U.S. political leaders frequently promote the chauvinistic idea of “American exceptionalism,” the notion that the United States is the “one indispensable country,” superior to all others. It is dangerous propaganda employed to justify wars and interventions around the world.
Contrary to the myths propagated by politicians, mass media and schoolbooks, extreme racist, anti-worker and anti-poor violence has been a central feature of U.S. history since the country’s founding. U.S. capitalism was constructed on a foundation of genocidal extermination of Native people and the unpaid labor and murder of millions of enslaved Africans. The U.S. ruling class created whole agencies of armed thugs to shoot down and repress striking workers.
State violence has been an essential element of a system based on ruthless exploitation inside and outside the U.S. borders. It will only be eliminated when the system itself is.
Every murderer believes the violence he is wielding is “good violence.” Mass murderers mimic and find their inspiration in the official wars we wage as a nation. Take away the massive public relations machinery that surrounds these wars and the deaths they cause are just as cruel, just as wrong. The abstract “enemy” dead, in every case, turn out to be human beings, who deserved to live.
And every war and every mass murder spread fear and hatred — and inspiration — in their aftermath. That is terrorism…the devaluation of life. Our national illness.
We all must look deep within ourselves and face the truths that would be laid bare. It is not the gun nor the color of skin, the disease lives in the hearts of man and those hearts are the true weapons of mass destruction.
So why can’t we have this discussion……?
The Right to Forcefully Resist Unlawful Arrest
Police State In America in Pictures
Ever notice or wonder why, that during Obama’s presidency we have seen the highest incidence of mass shootings and the lowest number of murders since 1969? Reference Reagon:11, Bush Sr:12, *Clinton:23, Bush Jr:16, *Obama:176 and counting…. * Notice
These incidents have increased more than seven-fold under his Presidency (2009-2103) when compared to years prior. From 2000-2008, this country averaged about 8.4 mass shootings per year. Under Obama’s watch, we have 23.6 incidents annually. A three-fold increase.
It’s amazing how many shootings just happened when a very similar training exercise was taking place nearby at the same time. And there is never a suspect that survives long enough to be questioned… Every high profile shooting has this similarity.
Google: police training+mass shootings.
Then read the following….
There is something very ugly and menacing brewing on the horizon. For many decades, humanity was hoping and praying that it would not come to that. The Western psychopathic powers that be, however, are purposefully and intentionally steering humankind towards exactly that dreaded event: That insanity, must be stopped immediately before we reach a point of no return behind which only death and destruction awaits.
Then ask yourself the following…..Cui Bono?
Now you have a choice between embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red pill) and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill).
Well….these dirtbags are at it again…now it is OK to do illegal searches and seizures….so much for the 4th Amendment….they keep trying to chip away at the 2nd Amendment….next will be the 5th Amendment where-by they will be able to kick the$#%&!@*out of someone to get them to confess to a crime they did not do!…..Man this reeks of$#%&!@*Germany! Well…we fixed that didn’t we? We can fix this too!
So long to the Constitution!!
This is really going to bother BLM and Obama.
Sad that we all live in the America
Time to arrest the hi cout
Yet the SCOTUS has been legislating from the bench for a generation
I don’t believe it.