When the Supreme Court lost its most conservative member earlier this year, many thought that the remaining term could be a disaster for personal liberty cases. It turns out they were right. In the most recent decision, however, it’s not the court’s liberal wing who’s to blame. This time, the court’s traditionally conservative members dealt a confusing blow to the constitution’s Fourth Amendment.
Justices Thomas, Alito, Breyer, Kennedy, and Roberts joined forces in a decision that would grant the government additional search and seizure authority without probable cause. The decision likely intends to empower the police to stop and punish crime, but without prior knowledge of a crime being committed, all it does is allow a private citizen to be subject to imprisonment at the whim of U.S. authorities.
See what power this decision gives the U.S. government on the next page:
What libscum can pervert, Rational judges can reverse!!
That is against the law, people!!!!!
The supreme is not suppose to MAKE laws, but INTERPRET the law.
Look the Emperor has no Clothes ;Al Sharpton Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan has gotten rich race baiting, promoting racism ,stealing hope from black people spitting hate and discontent. you can’t listen to race baiters ;that will never help you. the thing they Don’t tell you is there was just as many Irish slaves and the Egyptians were black and they owned white Hebrew slaves. it’s nonsense to promote hate even if it makes you rich, …isn’t that like selling your soul ? God doesn’t care what color you are he loves all of us and it’s time to Arm the nation it’s time people start protecting themselves .each other and our police force Life is your training ground .Sheep are unarmed sheep dogs are armed The fact of the matter is self preservation will make you pull the trigger .protect yourself protect your family protect your fellow Americans what you have in you when it’s time to protect yourself your family your friends ect,is protect ………….The thing an evil governments fear is an armed people because an armed people will pull together protect each other and is the greatest force on earth next to God and The governments of the World know it to be true God bless America and here’s the history of gun control. Ottoman Empire gun control law initiated in 1911. From 1915-1917 1.5 million Armenians were murdered. Soviet union started gun control in 1929.. 1929-1953 ..20 million people killed. Germany gun control 1933..1933-1945.. 13 million Jews and others killed. China gun control 1948..1948-1952 20 million killed. 1970 Uganda. .1971-1979 300, 000 Christians killed. Every time a government has disarmed its citizens throughout history there has been an immediate slaughter and enslavement of its people.
Another bites the dust…. Trump 2016, no more b******t.
The key point the author missed is you must have a active warrant before the officer can search you. That is no change years ago they ruled a officer could search a suspect for his own safety and protection.
No way !!!
This is bad.