When the Supreme Court lost its most conservative member earlier this year, many thought that the remaining term could be a disaster for personal liberty cases. It turns out they were right. In the most recent decision, however, it’s not the court’s liberal wing who’s to blame. This time, the court’s traditionally conservative members dealt a confusing blow to the constitution’s Fourth Amendment.
Justices Thomas, Alito, Breyer, Kennedy, and Roberts joined forces in a decision that would grant the government additional search and seizure authority without probable cause. The decision likely intends to empower the police to stop and punish crime, but without prior knowledge of a crime being committed, all it does is allow a private citizen to be subject to imprisonment at the whim of U.S. authorities.
See what power this decision gives the U.S. government on the next page:
Granny Nonya corruption runs deep…… term limits for all!
Wrong just wrong. The supreme court has lost its legitimacy.
It is unconstitutional
Fort, literally nothing has changed. Second, I’d be cautious of an article that references a SCOTUS decision without naming the case. Third, I’d also be skeptical about a story referencing a SCOTUS devision that employs a hypothetical situation. All of this tends to lead towards a very half$#%&!@*and wholly loose and misrepresentation of the original case that SCOTUS reviewed and their decision. If you want to read the case and the holdings, feel free to look up UTAH v. STRIEFF.
In this case a detective was conducting surveillance on a dope house and watched for a week as cars and people would come up to house for only a moment and then depart. This was continuous too. So, not hard to think what was going on. Detective follows one of these customers and makes contact with him, requesting ID. Detective runs the ID and guy has a warrant. He is arrested and then searched where meth is found. The only concern here is that this particular customer could not be noted as to when he arrived at the house. Reading the opinions from each judge it is easy to see how this case was simply a platform for them to each make their thoughts on race known.
Not in Cali
Shoot first and ask questions later.
Why not… We’ve lost the 10th, 1st, 6th, and 2nd… Why not shred the 4th too.
And so it begins ! The end of a once great nation .
How can they do that?