The Supreme Court has just given law enforcement the right to enter one’s home without a warrant.
In a 6-3 decision, Justice Alito penned that, “When occupants of a residents disagree on whether they will admit police without a warrant, the objecting occupant must be physically present. That doesn’t change if police have removed the objector,” Read page 2 for background on the case and ruling.
That’s putting cop’s in harms way, we have a castle that some will defend if you DON’T have legal use of Constitution.
Try to come in my door and see what happens
That won’t go very well.
did they not swear an oath of office to uphold an defend the constitution, They just dismantled the 4th…
Read past the headlines you bunch of IDIOTS!!!!!
The 4th Amendment says they cannot enter your home without a warrant. The SCOTUS cannot repeal that.
And get shot.
And WE can pop as many as possible till they pop US
David…..that’s a bit much. We don’t do that.
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