The Supreme Court has just given law enforcement the right to enter one’s home without a warrant.
In a 6-3 decision, Justice Alito penned that, “When occupants of a residents disagree on whether they will admit police without a warrant, the objecting occupant must be physically present. That doesn’t change if police have removed the objector,” Read page 2 for background on the case and ruling.
The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that police may search a home without a warrant when two occupants disagree about allowing officers to enter, and the resident who refuses access is then arrested.
Better use air cover. I have alot of open ground between my front door and the road…..I guess I empty my safe….A locked up gun is useless….
Screw the supreme court
They can not make laws or pass laws.not legal.
I say we can hang Tyrant Politicians and Judges!!
what a load of total BS!!! not on my watch!!!
Supreme court has also got their brains under their robes, and also the strings being pulled by Obama
And they will die at my front door
That will cause a lot of trouble