In a stunning defeat for the rule of law, the Supreme Court has decided to set the bar for prosecuting public officials engaged in corruption much higher than anyone has previously countenanced.
Hearing the controversial case of former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell, the court unanimously ruled in his favor and overturned his conviction for bribery. The reason the court gave for this overwhelming display of support for McDonnell is that the jury who found the governor guilty in the first place didn’t understand what constitutes bribery under federal law and thus believed that what he participated in fit that incorrect definition. Observers who read about McDonnell’s activities for themselves, however, may very well come to a very different conclusion.
Seeking state funding for medical tests of dietary pills he planned to sell, Star Scientific Inc. CEO Jonnie Williams sought an audience with McDonnell to discuss the issue with him. So determined was Williams that he ended up giving over $165,000 in gifts and loans to the governor, gifts and loans he McDonnell insists were not linked to the “official action” Williams requested.
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Well I wonder what happens if they get shot lol
they need changed they getting corrupt,,they cant change laws only decipher them,,,
Well dugh, when all the crooks do all the crooking you get nothing. Shots are going to be fired soon I fear not literally speaking but action of some fierce forces need to get our pre 9/11 laws back on track. We have not and will not willingly let America be trampled by some damned World Order ideology experiment, it may not be good then what? Cave dwelling?
That’s because they are part of the problem amen
Minute Men will soon rise again. The wicked, foul, & corrupt will be trying to call us Terrorists. Their lies & deceits will fool many, then a majority will realize, we were fighting for them this whole time, then will join to overthrow the wicked & Corrupt !
Let us start a movement now to stop them from ruining America
we should have a purge day on politicians
Well of course they do. In the last 7 years, this country went all the way to absolutely run by retards . What in the frickin hell are these people drinking.
It’s absolutely time to start rounding up these people and start hanging them in front of the courthouse.
just you wait alittle for the civil war comming and they all know it in goverment.they are holding their breath that it dont start now untill obummer calls maritial law in this country and calls the military in on us.which every body saids would never turn on the people of america.ok we will see if they do,because i believe they will stand up against the american people.