Our Supreme Court gave police a easy means to enter your home without a warrant earlier this year – as long as one occupant agrees.
Judge Napolitano states, “The police can arrest the person who says ‘no’ [to the search], get him off the scene and they are left with the person saying ‘yes’ and use that as a means to get on the property.”
So the police can just arrest the first occupant of the home that says “no” and continue on, one after another until there is no one left on site?????
If the arrest is LEGAL, a search of the IMMEDIATE area is warranted!!!
They have been doing this already along with swat who kills people for no reason then finds out they have the wrong address so what they are cops they can do what they want
Is this true?
The RCMP in Canada, & the KGB, both had this ability long before now, welcome to the UN
Impeach these commie judges!
What else? Every day they add more to hurt Americans. The only thing is, people are protesting for the wrong reason.
It’s always been the “landlord” but he couldn’t allow a search a search of a sub-leased bedroom