Our Supreme Court gave police a easy means to enter your home without a warrant earlier this year – as long as one occupant agrees.
Judge Napolitano states, “The police can arrest the person who says ‘no’ [to the search], get him off the scene and they are left with the person saying ‘yes’ and use that as a means to get on the property.”
Well they can arrest me, because, their not getting in without a warrant.
WTH is going on in this country we need to take it back from these commies
That’s why I live alone.
Walk through my door, get blown back out. A violation of my constitutional privacy, gives me the constitutional right to kill you with my constitutional 10 gauge.
They had better have a warrant if they come in my door
No Way will the come in without a Warrant.
if this is true then the courts have just thrown out the civil and criminal rules of procedures, which sets the paramaters at which they are to be following on every case. with this ruling the courts can have carte-blanc ruling on every aspect of the peoples lives
If you’re not breaking the law, why would you care ?
just try it !!!!
Our country is sounding more and more like communist countries. Is there any merit to my thinking?