Our Supreme Court gave police a easy means to enter your home without a warrant earlier this year – as long as one occupant agrees.
Judge Napolitano states, “The police can arrest the person who says ‘no’ [to the search], get him off the scene and they are left with the person saying ‘yes’ and use that as a means to get on the property.”
I will NOT recognize such anarchy nor communist actions by our government, because it’s NOT Constitutional no matter how they doctor it up. This is just another way many are destroying the Constitution, so it is “hanging by a thread” Joseph Smith.
Your going to start seeing lots of shootings with that ruling these dumb ass rulings by these judges need to be addressed these judges need to be replaced and they need to retire the judges that rule against our constitution and that ruling is against our constitutional rights and police are put into harms way and people are going to die over these stupid rulings
Scary stuff. When will they take our guns and burn our books?
We don’t have a supreme court, the corporation does.
How stupid is that!!!!! People need to wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe the missing planes will take out these worthless $#%&!@*s also.
another freedom killed by those meant to help us keep them safe
don’t worry, the troops are protecting our freedoms, no?