Our Supreme Court gave police a easy means to enter your home without a warrant earlier this year – as long as one occupant agrees.
Judge Napolitano states, “The police can arrest the person who says ‘no’ [to the search], get him off the scene and they are left with the person saying ‘yes’ and use that as a means to get on the property.”
fine if they show up and get killed for no warrant, oh well less stupid cops
It’s treasonous! This just gives the cops a right to go into someones house, plant drugs or any other illegal contraband and illegally arrest people in the house.
The first cop that comes through my door unwanted is dead!!!
Make this known, if it can be abused, it will be by some corrupt people. Not all though. But still, this is a law that is completely stupid. Needs repealed, because i can see this being abused in the future, or even the present right now.
Even the Supreme Court who’s job is to protect The United States Constitution is now walking all over it. They too have drank the kool-aid. Sad Sad.
Our Drone and Covert War has the United States and NATO committing War crimes and murdering civilians and giving the Terrorists just what they want, terror, destruction, and media coverage at the cost of trillions of our Tax Dollars. No Incumbents. They have not fired Obama.
Fire Obama, Biden, and Holder. No Incumbents.
THAT’S BULL$#%&!@*
Closer and closer.
It should be up to whoever is in charge of the residence or who is main on the lease or mortgage. Damn SC is got its head up Obamas butt so far so we need to get rid of Obama NOW and stop this c**p