Our Supreme Court gave police a easy means to enter your home without a warrant earlier this year – as long as one occupant agrees.
Judge Napolitano states, “The police can arrest the person who says ‘no’ [to the search], get him off the scene and they are left with the person saying ‘yes’ and use that as a means to get on the property.”
You’ll Die !!! that is a fact !!! so do not attempt my HOME !!! my home is just that mine !!! No body amour or any thing will save you from an unlawful entry !! with no cause no warrant !! Head shot upon entry!!!
can you not see that this is what they want you to do.they want your guns they will not pay you for them because they don’t want to sell they also do not want you to have bulletproof vest either.if you insist on not getting them your guns they will kill you
You people need to realize that once the nsa is fully up and running (notice the adds on for job Operatunity for nsa) they’re gunna start busting down doors to collect guns and if you don’t comply to the .new world order you will be Incasserated at a fima camp
Bull Sh*t
Obummer is an evil dictator who is destroying everything in this country. I can’t believe people can’t see that
F that!!!
You will experience great vengeance and furious anger if you attempt that $#%&!@* in my house.
all you will get is lead and a very big BOOM!
James 5:1 – 7 Do whatever you Want, Revelation 20:11,12 Supreme Judge and Jury Has it Written Down Nothing left to Hersey, you forgot, I didn’t that or say that Jesus said resist Not Evil, Vengeance is Mine Omnipotent Gets Even, All the Worldly Threats are Accounted For, Hell is the Word for Justice Fulfilled Pay Back,