The U.S. Supreme Court has just green-lit law enforcement officers to enter American homes without a warrant.
At least there was some dissent; Justice Alito wrote about the 6-3 decision that, “When occupants of a residence disagree on whether they will admit police without a warrant, the objecting occupant must be physically present. That doesn’t change if police have removed the objector…”
Just turn that over in your mind for a moment and you can start to see how truly dangerous a precedent that is!
Read page 2 for background on the case and ruling:
Not mine!
The base is not relevant. This applies to all situations whether you can justify them or not… Now legal. This gives police power to arrest someone on a totally BS charge, hold them for 24 hours before releasing them… All the while searching their home with no warrant.
Even if this was based on a good effort for the right reasons, it is HORRIBLE precedent.
And if the police target a home and arrest everyone on bogus charges just so the place will be empty for 24 hours so they can search without a warrant?
I smell a troll
Yeah smelling kinda trollish just a little bit
And that resembles this case how?
they can be shot too
Alito wrote the court’s 6-3 decision holding that an occupant may not object to a search when he is not at home. So what’s that supposed to mean? If a homeowner is not home, police can break down his door and search his home without a warrant. The courts are yet again creating law in direct violation of the Constitution.
Our house policy is: You are welcome to come in…………If You have a warant. If You don’t have a warrant; You are welcome to take a hike. Have a nice day
Yep, Probably a good idea to do a little research before You kick somebody’s door in. Better Yet, why not just wait for them to go out to get some groceries and tap them on the shoulder when they walk out of the store. Might take a little more time, but there would be less need for Body armor, IMO.
They may WALK in, but they’ll be CARRIED out at my house, if they try to enter without a warrant!!