The U.S. Supreme Court has just green-lit law enforcement officers to enter American homes without a warrant.
At least there was some dissent; Justice Alito wrote about the 6-3 decision that, “When occupants of a residence disagree on whether they will admit police without a warrant, the objecting occupant must be physically present. That doesn’t change if police have removed the objector…”
Just turn that over in your mind for a moment and you can start to see how truly dangerous a precedent that is!
Read page 2 for background on the case and ruling:
I believe it is you that misread the article, if there are 2 occupants in a home and one does not give consent to search the home to law enforcement they cannot enter. If the one occupant that objects to the search is not present, for whatever reason, and law enforcement gets consent to search from the occupant that is okay with the search then it is lawful for them to search the home.
The change was that it now doesn’t matter why the home owner that opposes the search isn’t present at the home to tell law enforcement they can’t come in, if the opposing homeowner was arrested and taken away, out shopping or away for the weekend on a fishing trip, it’s all the same now.
So imagine this one, police show up at a home, let’s say the neighbor calls the cops because of loud music, two home owners open the door to the cops and the cops say they want to search the home without any signs of a problem/law broken. One home owner say no search but the other says it’s okay to search. Cops knowing they can’t enter without probable cause and without consent from the opposing home owner now invent a reason to detain or arrest the opposing home owner, she is asked to step outside and when she does the cops now smell booze and claim she is being belligerent and arrest her for being drunk in public. They remove the opposing home owner from the scene on a trumped up drunk in public charge and return to the front door where the other home owner who will give consent to a home watch does and law enforcement enters, finds illegal contraband and arrests the remaining home owner that gave them consent to enter and search the home.
New World Order!!!
My ak will greet them
Cops can get shot for doing so as well.
This Supreme Court is a joke.
Sounds like 6 were bought.
so they can remove you from your home so you cannot object to them entering without a warrant? and out west they are confiscating cash at random that travellers may be carrying…freedom of religion is becoming freedom from religion, all the ‘checks and balances’ and ‘separation of powers’ that our government was very deliberately and carefully founded upon has devolved into near dictatorship… our government is more powerful yet more broken every single day and for the most part, nobody cares.
And receive my bullets with my blessing!
Not my house.