The U.S. Supreme Court has just green-lit law enforcement officers to enter American homes without a warrant.
At least there was some dissent; Justice Alito wrote about the 6-3 decision that, “When occupants of a residence disagree on whether they will admit police without a warrant, the objecting occupant must be physically present. That doesn’t change if police have removed the objector…”
Just turn that over in your mind for a moment and you can start to see how truly dangerous a precedent that is!
Read page 2 for background on the case and ruling:
first few cops cops get mowed down doing this they will stop
no, they cannot
According to judge Lee Russell in Tennessee and the appellate court they only need a desire to enter. No warrant, exigent circumstances, probable cause or consent. William Bryan Gatlin vs State of Tennessee. I’m still fighting for your rights.
I’ll be in my room cleaning…
And the liberal trolls come out of the woodwork just like$#%&!@*roaches!
The woman consented to the search in this example
James Michael You are 100 on the money. This country has become tyranical, if it ever was. And these people think it is ok.
danger .223 copperhead danger ….. enter at your own risk 🙂
Another movie by the Democrats to undermine our constitution.
The constitution says different.Come into my house without one and see what happens