The U.S. Supreme Court has just green-lit law enforcement officers to enter American homes without a warrant.
At least there was some dissent; Justice Alito wrote about the 6-3 decision that, “When occupants of a residence disagree on whether they will admit police without a warrant, the objecting occupant must be physically present. That doesn’t change if police have removed the objector…”
Just turn that over in your mind for a moment and you can start to see how truly dangerous a precedent that is!
Read page 2 for background on the case and ruling:
Maybe in the land of OZ but not her in the good ole USA!
When America was great “Police” wore blue suits. Today they are para military, camo suited for war and with attitudes. What happened. I saw cops like this in third world countries in the early 70’s. Looks like we are now a third world country. Let’s change it with a Trump!
seriously people fact check this. although the title is true it is vague. and only entices hate.
the law states that they do not need a warrent if one person says no and one says yes then the one that said no is arrested. (say in a domestic abuse case)
No they cant.. Constitution says different.
Hugh? So no more need for residential warrants at all?
Blue lives matter, yours don’t. Bend over and take it
Yes, uh no
This can’t be true. Supreme Court don’t make law
Treason can NEVER be law retard….people like you are the problem with America…TPA and NDAA have never been law because they were made in treason of their sworn oaths….Get a clue….