The U.S. Supreme Court has just green-lit law enforcement officers to enter American homes without a warrant.
At least there was some dissent; Justice Alito wrote about the 6-3 decision that, “When occupants of a residence disagree on whether they will admit police without a warrant, the objecting occupant must be physically present. That doesn’t change if police have removed the objector…”
Just turn that over in your mind for a moment and you can start to see how truly dangerous a precedent that is!
Read page 2 for background on the case and ruling:
Its not the system that is corrupt. Its the people running the system that’s corrupt. When will We The People say enough is enough?
And a couple can get put down without a warrant
This has been “legal ” since the patriot act was passed…
This is not the America that I recognize.
Alito the conservative headed the majority ruling and Ginsberg the liberal was against. Wow not much for your argument.
You do realize the supreme court was appointed largely by Republicans. Their party also is in favor of patriotic act and spying on citizens. So don’t complain if you vote for them.
Sadly this doesn’t even surprise me.
Not mine! They can’t!
This is why the police will be shoot more.
bust out my door eat lead the end!