This past weekend Obama spoke in Prince George’s County, Md., a heavy African-American county where back in 2012 he won 90 percent of the vote. He spoke not far from the Barack Obama Elementary School.
This was obviously suppose to be a very Obama-friendly county. Still, before he had finished his speech former supporters walked out on him in droves.
The Washington Post writer who observed all of this, Dana Milbank took up calling him “President Pariah” following the Maryland campaign stop.
Good for them.
No…. We need to switch all the political fucjers out with fresh younger more open minded people who can keep money out of politics so maybe just maybe we can get this country on track…. We are so far behind the rest of the world… Aren’t we tired of violence yet? Let’s just stay asleep sheeple
Good for them!! The evil one keeps showing up even though not many people care to see the evil incompetent colored man and he needs to go back to golfing every day even though it costs us $1 million a trip!!
Maybe these black Americans have finally realizes that BHO is their enemy as well as the enemy of all Americans. Never has one person done more to destroy the American Dream than Barry Obozo.
The commiecrats know that they’re losing their black voter base, which is why they’re importing a new, improved voter base, now in Hispanic and Muslim flavors. They’re not giving up on blacks though, because someone has to start a race war as a pretext for martial law.–business.html
Local media doing it’s very best to spin this one.
We really need to clean house. Start with the evil anti Christ. Why are we accepting what he did with those trucks. I believe that we Americans are lazy stupid idiots because we can’t figure out how to stop him.
bout time they woke up !!!!!!!!
Goofball didn’t know what to think.