This past weekend Obama spoke in Prince George’s County, Md., a heavy African-American county where back in 2012 he won 90 percent of the vote. He spoke not far from the Barack Obama Elementary School.
This was obviously suppose to be a very Obama-friendly county. Still, before he had finished his speech former supporters walked out on him in droves.
The Washington Post writer who observed all of this, Dana Milbank took up calling him “President Pariah” following the Maryland campaign stop.
Well applaud those that demonstrated their rights at this event. Now hopefully they recognize Voting Republican in Nove is a much louder expression than just walking out. Vote Republican Lincolns Party.
Ah, you gotta LOVE it!! So much for his “telephone” and his “pen”.
Should Have A Campaign To Egg The President
Why can’t others wise up to the Dictator, and reject him?
Love it.
Love it! People have woken up after the damage is done though !
Only black Democrats can get away with this. If any white person did this, the calls of racism would be deafening.
cant cxall the kettle blavk?
NOT from law enforcement! From f’n EVIL LUNATIC muslim president and his cabinet of CRAZIES!!!
this is because he lied to them, he was supposed to help get the blacks out of poverty but he only took. he didn’t stick to any of his promises unless you want to say obamacare but that is a failure and way to expensive