This past weekend Obama spoke in Prince George’s County, Md., a heavy African-American county where back in 2012 he won 90 percent of the vote. He spoke not far from the Barack Obama Elementary School.
This was obviously suppose to be a very Obama-friendly county. Still, before he had finished his speech former supporters walked out on him in droves.
The Washington Post writer who observed all of this, Dana Milbank took up calling him “President Pariah” following the Maryland campaign stop.
lisahawks says:
“I absolutely loved that they walked out on him…do you think he gets it now?”
I absolutely loved that they walked out on him…do you think he gets it now?
They are fed up with him and his lies. Good.
Obammy says, if they lose, it’s their fault because the dems are running from him! Ha, maybe there is hope for a few demoncraps after all!!!
that was soooo cool of them to walk out on Ovomit..exceptional
Troubling times in the kingdom
Smart moves. OBAMA and the democrats have done ZERO for the blacks, going back to the Civil War.
I told them not to pay these people until he finished speaking! But did they listen? Noooooo