It’s always good to have some clean, drinkable water stored as a backup in case something goes wrong with the city supply, but what happens when that runs out? If you’re prepared with one of these easy-to-make water filtration systems you won’t need to worry!
This video shows how to make and use the home made Berkey type water filtration system. This one is made for less than $35 in parts and you will see that it will turn the nastiest of Oklahoma water in to clean SAFE drinking water in a reasonable amount of time. This system is NOT super fast (yet…give me time) but it will clean 5 gallons of drinking water in about 24 hours (Website says 14 per day) . I believe that I may have figured out how to speed that up to 5 gallons in an hour or so, stop back and see it I make that work. This DOES NOT make water drinkable without boiling or adding chlorine or bleach, however in a pinch it would beat drinking it straight out of the river. This works GREAT and is SOOO much cheaper than the store bought systems that do the same thing.
This why I now live in the country with my own well 100 feet deep clean water.
Billy Bomb
Its slow but it looks like it works
Sarah Brown Jarrad Markel
Cool, I’m in okla too.
Bleach??? Ewwwwww
a couple of suggestions, add another filter inside the bucket or even 4 filters inside to speed it up, also build a small stand for the bottom of the bottom bucket to get it about 10 inches off the floor and add a water spout in the side of the bucket to fill your glass with clean water.
just wanted to add that adding bleach is a great idea, however bleach has a shelf life of 2 years max, if bleach is 1 year old you need to double how much you use, a better choice for long term is Super Pool shock( Calcium Hypochlorite Chlorine) it is basically dry condinsed bleach and be stored for years, just make sure it is at least 73% strength with no additives, and do your research on how to store it safely, it is corrosive to certain containers and and if it gets wet in storage can put off dangerious fumes. all this info along with directions can by found on the web site.
Does it remove fluoride?
it does if you buy those filters…