Subway has had their share of negative press, from their spokesperson Jared’s conviction for possession of child porn and sex with minors, to the employee who laced a police officer’s drink with meth and THC.
The Layton, Utah Subway employee, Tanis Lloyd Ukena, is now in jail after drugging the officer who had come through the drive-thru. The officer reports that he thought his drink tasted odd and not long after the drugs began to take effect. He noticed that he was not able to easily get his foot over the brake pedal while sitting at a red light.
The drugs continued to impair his ability to function as he made his way back to the Layton Police Department. He was put under observation and it was noted that he drifted off and was not able to focused on questions or process information.
This a both a frightening experience for all police officers as many times their meals are on the road.
View the video and read how the cops apprehended Ukena on the next page.
Show that anti cop to the hanging tree.
Michael, have you ever quit hating just long enough to wonder what life would be like with no cops? I tell you it would be utter chaos and nobody would be safe, not even a superman like you……think about that before you post anymore garbage about my brothers in blue. Yea, that’s right, I am a retired disabled multi year LEO.
you are dead wrong there bubba cops take drug tests randomly plus yearly plus anytime someone suspects they might be doing somthing they shouldnt and any time there is an oddicer involved shooting weather they were the actual shooter or not
Sounds like you are angry… Grrr so mad
That’s what we get in having trash like Omuslim and Killary around when the US government should have arrested the whole trash can of scum and put all of them in prison for good!
So a drink in the Officer’s possession was found to have drugs in it yet it’s presumed now that it was the server based upon what actual facts. How is it being proven that it was the server and not someone else or the Officer himself? Isn’t our system setup to presume innocence? Aren’t Police known and trained Liars! Aren’t Police known to use drugs and in fact fight drug testing among them being used in any form!
I find it interesting how many show their Statist conditioning and believe automatically this rhetoric and propaganda!
Who’s to say that this Officer didn’t drug himself, realized he used too much and subsequently drugged his own drink to place blame elsewhere!
Please notice the lack of question marks on my rhetorical questions!
Thank you Sir, you’ve refreshed my anger towards the ignorant and I appreciate a thinking man not conditioned to believe automatically rhetoric, propaganda and the narrative of known an trained liars!
Should be put to death today.
attempted murder, life in prison.