For many years, those who have worried and opined that they were not getting vaccinations for themselves or for their children because they feared that they were not being told the whole story, were lambasted and ridiculed. More and more doctors are now coming forward to state that they believe that the inundation of the medical world in vaccinations, medications and preventative care has been slowly whittling away a human being’s ability to properly fight off infections and illnesses on its own.
While many of the people who have chosen not to vaccinate are religious and, therefore, believe that prayer and faith are just as strong for healing and good health as the conviction that vaccinations prevent illness, there are a growing number of others as well who are looking at this from another point of view: the scientific analysis.
It has recently come available to the public that a study from Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center is proving with medical evidence that influenza vaccinations are actually setting the stage for the recipients of these flu shots to be more susceptible to the flu in following years! Read on the following page about how receiving a flu shot may now be serving to make the spread of the influenza virus that much more prevalent!
There are BETTER ways to strengthen the immune system.
Among other things!!
Flue shots are govt conspiracy reverse engineered, think twice before giving one to your kids!
And maybe flu shot caused cancer. Did u ever read the ingredients?
This is the worst posting on ever. I am guessing the author is a sissy boy who hates shots . When he’s not searching the internet for Colin Kapernick fan club sites, he’s busy calling himself an expert because he reads online medical articles. OSU’s Wexner website strongly promotes the Flu shot. People who don’t get the shot are selfish crybabies who spread disease to those who are less likely to survive the flu. But hey– they didn’t get that needle. Worse would be the people who get the flu shot and then call off sick the next day because they want a free day off to get over their f**e flu shot illness. Why is there no proof cited on this bogus anti-flu shot article? Because there is none.
I believe it,won’t get one!
Mallorie Hall Greenway
Melissa Hale
Get the flu shot get the flu haven’t had the flu shot in years and haven’t had the flu don’t get the flu shot
Every year, hundreds of thousands of Service members get mandatory flu shots, and not a single case of adverse effects, from what I’ve experienced, in the past 4.5 years. Also, if vaccines caused cancer, then we’d all have cancer, all the time.
Did you step outside today? Congratulations, you just exposed yourself to harmful ionizing radiation. Are you sleeping safe and sound in your home? Congratulations! You’re being exposed to gamma radiation hurling through space at the speed of light. A vaccine that may help you not catch Influenza, is monumentally safer than even a minute of exposure from the Sun.