A 2014 study revealed that Obama has broken upwards of 2000 laws since 2012 alone – and due to a loophole in the system neither Congress nor or our judiciary branch can do anything about it.
When our president publishes a regulation it is supposed to be looked over by Congress to be validated or not. But because Obama has simply not submitted his published regulations to Congress since the beginning of 2012, anything he’s published can’t be reviewed. Add to that the fact that Congress has barred judicial review of these regulations and you have a president that simply publishes what he wants without oversight.
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It’s Bush’s fault!
Close the loophole and bury the bastard.
He is such a disgrace I can hardly stand to look at his face.
These loopholes need to be closed
Hell and thats only the ones we know of. Really in the end there is 1 law that he broke 5 times with Media coverage NOT saying what his crime was and that is TREASON! Which is a HIGH Crime and has a Single Punishment! I firmly Believe he should face the Jury and Punishment! Just have the SOB Stand Trial in Wyoming, Texas or Arizona so the Racist Group of New Black Panthers Lead By Supreme Racist Michelle Obama CANNOT inter-fear or intimidate the Jury!
right on , thats why I cant understand how he is allowed to continue
Did any of you actually read the article? It sounds like congress doesn’t actually want to review the regulations, otherwise they would make a big stink out of it.
its the congress fault if we fail…and its inevitable with Alfred e newman at the helm..
They can do something about it but they don’t have the balls to do so.
2000 lol