A 2014 study revealed that Obama has broken upwards of 2000 laws since 2012 alone – and due to a loophole in the system neither Congress nor or our judiciary branch can do anything about it.
When our president publishes a regulation it is supposed to be looked over by Congress to be validated or not. But because Obama has simply not submitted his published regulations to Congress since the beginning of 2012, anything he’s published can’t be reviewed. Add to that the fact that Congress has barred judicial review of these regulations and you have a president that simply publishes what he wants without oversight.
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Apparently nobody with authority cares !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well fired him then if he can’t follow our laws and our nation of USA USA we just need a better one
Why in the world is congress not putting his man in jail. Breaking one law should have been sufficient… it would have been for any other American (except someone in Washington) so put the traitor in jail…NOW!
So I guess he is the only one.Smh.
If say we give him about 15 more to break so we can just say he broke 2015 by 2015
It seems to me – every time POS gets the urge , another law is broken. He has a pen and phone and that is mostly the problem. Congress is a dead beat operation at best – just building on their pensions and collecting the paychecks they do not even deserve, if you consider the work they are NOT doing.. Term Limits would stop that in a hurry!!!!
Thank harry reid for that……
How does anybody still back this guy?
If he was a republican, he’d be in jail!!!
He is just a broken person.