A 2014 study revealed that Obama has broken upwards of 2000 laws since 2012 alone – and due to a loophole in the system neither Congress nor or our judiciary branch can do anything about it.
When our president publishes a regulation it is supposed to be looked over by Congress to be validated or not. But because Obama has simply not submitted his published regulations to Congress since the beginning of 2012, anything he’s published can’t be reviewed. Add to that the fact that Congress has barred judicial review of these regulations and you have a president that simply publishes what he wants without oversight.
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Vote the Demoncrats out of office and he will not have the power to do the things he is doing……………………………………
I said he was issuing illegal exec orders! Damn liberals and rampant voter fraud and lazy people who WILL NOT do their own research on candidates WE have an illegal presidency muslim in hiding internal terrorist with the agenda to destroy this country by any means! So if you are tired of all the nonsense stand up join forces use your constitutional rights and vote. I’m sorry in my eyes, if you did not vote or did not do any research of your own and just went with what the crowd and the info they were giving out and you voted for him you don’t get to complain about the condition our country is in now
Obama’s wrong
that’s nothing new with that man, he’s as worthless as the day is long, the outlook for 2016 doesn’t look much better with. hillary.
It’s not over with him, our laws have no jurisdiction over his Tyrant rule, It will only get worse for America’s as he wants it
Killary and obummer are two peas in a pod.Neither one is worth wiping your but on.
he need to be taken care of, maybe some day soon some one will step up to the plate and arrest him, and throw his junky ass in Prison.
That is because there is a bunch of cowards in congress.
its all about the money they all collect doing nothing about OBAMA but getting richer
Only 2000?