A 2014 study revealed that Obama has broken upwards of 2000 laws since 2012 alone – and due to a loophole in the system neither Congress nor or our judiciary branch can do anything about it.
When our president publishes a regulation it is supposed to be looked over by Congress to be validated or not. But because Obama has simply not submitted his published regulations to Congress since the beginning of 2012, anything he’s published can’t be reviewed. Add to that the fact that Congress has barred judicial review of these regulations and you have a president that simply publishes what he wants without oversight.
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I strongly recommend using this loophole!!
So this is how intelligent people run a country. What gets me is that these morons take themselves serious.
Hey and because he’s black we do nothing. And now the US is paying dearly for his muslim lack of leadership. Obama is a anti-American POS
My question is How many laws do you think the Republican Party have Broke since 2012
Why in Hell is he still in office.
Too many idiotic voters & dead voters – voting for the clown.
He looks baked like a bean
gotta fix that loop hole!!
Should of been impeached and tried for treason a long time ago!