Recently the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES), has revealed that upwards of 6.4% of votes in elections are done by non-citizens, which could include illegal immigrants or those who are currently in a legal application process for residency or citizenship.
The study also reveals that 14% of non-citizens are registered to vote and possess identification sufficient enough for the polls. In other words, 14% of non-citizens have a fake ID.
Click on the link below to read more:
In my opinion I think that any able body person that is living on government assistance should not be allowed to vote because they did not contribute to society and another thing i don’t like are those that are coming from communist countries try to influence our way of life by trying to have our politicians to change laws.
Only way for Democrat’s to win.
Deport them all.
Now I’m thinking that properly used, voter id & if not ,well while you’re here lets deport you !! It would be a free roundup of ineligible to vote, illegal aliens !!
yeah…add me so that we can be friends…
That’s the whole plan you can’t buy votes immigrants will have to do
Illegals didn’t fight for this country’s freedom and to vote is our right not the cockroaches that sneek across our borders
Obama is trying to get into office for a third time.
Why vote? Dictators are not voted out.
This is totally illegal -get that man out of office and evidently most of congress too – definitely time for united states to gather together and do this