Piece by piece, the left-wing narrative that the planet is in danger because of man-made climate change is falling apart, so much so that only the most hard-line environmentalist can continue denying it.
The most recent, damning evidence comes from a study by the Dutch Deltares Research Institute, a name that doesn’t exactly spring to mind when one thinks of “right-wing propaganda outlets.” Yet this is precisely what liberals will claim it is when they get wind of the results of their research.
Examining the rate of land to water at coastlines over the past 30 years, the study found that coastal areas have seen around 21,000 new square miles of land during the duration of the study, with a total of 107,000 new square miles around the world being recorded.
This finding flies directly in the face of climate change alarmists’ claims that we are losing ground due to global warming. Even the conductors of the study were shocked by the results, admitting that they expected to find a lower incidence of land than they actually found.
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Gore is a highly paid circus barker, an expert at reeling you in for the con. The perfect politician.
climate change is a gimmic to take your money!
Climate change is Gore’s cash cow.
It was an idea that just looked good on paper… But islands are usually mountains and mountains tend to move upward
So far NOT ONE prediction from the climatological profits of doom has come to pass, and Al Gore has been conspicuous by his silence for the last few years. It looks like he may have “AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH” of his own to deal with. There’s far more money and politics involved here than science. If there is any man made global warming it’s caused by all the money they are burning to perpetuate this farce.
I was told by one blogger that a piece of land equal to the size of a football field was lost to The gulf of Mexico every 15 minutes. I ran the numbers. At that rate a land mass the size of the entire state of Louisiana would be submerged every 6 days. That’s a flood of Biblical proportions! And yet the east, west, and gulf coasts remain dry.
Did you ever notice that the people who scream the loudest about “climate change” are the ones who have the biggest “carbon footprint”? Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, etc.
All he is not too bright anyway
“oh no! now there’s too much land! climate change!!!” lol
He is still a NUT with all his MONEY !!!!
Al Glore only wants to make millions more off global warming!