Piece by piece, the left-wing narrative that the planet is in danger because of man-made climate change is falling apart, so much so that only the most hard-line environmentalist can continue denying it.
The most recent, damning evidence comes from a study by the Dutch Deltares Research Institute, a name that doesn’t exactly spring to mind when one thinks of “right-wing propaganda outlets.” Yet this is precisely what liberals will claim it is when they get wind of the results of their research.
Examining the rate of land to water at coastlines over the past 30 years, the study found that coastal areas have seen around 21,000 new square miles of land during the duration of the study, with a total of 107,000 new square miles around the world being recorded.
This finding flies directly in the face of climate change alarmists’ claims that we are losing ground due to global warming. Even the conductors of the study were shocked by the results, admitting that they expected to find a lower incidence of land than they actually found.
Turn to the next page for more info:
Rho Wilson , Water rising & mining the moon ?
This below is my thoughts….Gene
Hey , Yeah know how all the college educated & PHD’s say we are in a global warming cause the ocean levels are rising at a few centimeters to a inch or so a year……well of course their totally full$#%&!@*& here’s why….
” What happens when you take a bowl of water put some soil in it. Water displacement happens & there’s not as much water as before & there’s more land now creating a island.
Well there have been oh several dozen volcanoes , especially on Ohau /Hawaii blowing it’s top for 35 plus years now.
Oh$#%&!@*guess what ……it has increased the size of Ohau greatly plus the second volcano beside it is creating a whole new chain of islands ……well i’ll be damned …” water displacement “….. ” which will cause the oceans levels across the whole freaking planet too rise “..plus….the heat & sulfuric acid & all other minerals blown sky high & later turn into rain by mixing with the cloud layers turn into ” acid rain “….oh goodness me….the trees are dying ……not really….guess what …it only lasted for 3 years & it cleared up like nature intended it too.
We will have more land on the planet though ….Oh joy …” more freaking real estate brokers ”
So here it is in nut shell……
” There is no Ozone problem by N.A.S.A. shooting off the Columbia through our atmosphere cause as long as we have a ” Sun ” we will have ” Ozone ” …cause the sun replaces it every oh …FREAKING DAY college geniuses of the world !!!!!!
There is no acid rain cause the atmosphere as cleaned it out.
There is no global warming from a car , cow farts , power plants ect.
However oh great geniuses of the world we are in the beginning / middle of a geologic time change & when it’s done you freaking idiots none of us may be here from it & there is not one freaking thing you can do to STOP IT & EARTH WON’T CRY A TEAR WHEN SHE DOSE IT OVER YOU NOT BEING HERE. ” This is as bad as the Georgia Senator saying a Pacific island in the MidWay chain would flip over upside down from building a landing strip & new airport facilities on the island ” ……THAT IS REALLY IGNORANT & STUPIDITY AT ITS BEST !!! You wonder why nothing gets done in D.C. & this was Georgia State only !! REALLY …What school did you go too & get a degree so you could be a Senator …make sure I do not send my kids there !!!!!!
Oh but wait ……Now some really smart idiots want to start ” MINING THE MOON ” …REALLY …HOW DAMN IDIOTIC IS THAT ONE.
For what ….HELIUM 2 which can put out enough energy from a pound of it to light up a city for a year…..
Well these geniuses I guess forgot that the moon is our sister satellite that keeps us in a upward position & running evenly & without it …guess what…” WE WOULD NOT BE HERE AT ALL !!!! ”
( they said on the news they would start mining the moon in 5 years from now…2020 )
So you geniuses go ahead & mine that moon & destroy us & you won’t have to worry about all the above false b******t you started.
And they call us Conservatives dumb Dinosaurs……
Best ,
Rho Wilson , Water Needs
Mac before the oil boom.
Here’s a quote from a resident of ft Mac before the oil boom.
“I lived in Fort McMurray from 1963-1965, before big oil moved in. There was 1200 people living in… the Waterways/Fort McMurray area. I can tell you at that time oil was seeping into the Athabasca river and we were told not to eat the fish from it, the Clearwater was okay.
You could tell where the oil sands were located as the trees were stunted, twisted and deformed, and there were tar pits that would trap animals. My sister and I laugh at the environmentalists when they say the oil companies are destroying the region, when in fact the oil companies are cleaning up natures oil spill and returning it to a pristine forest and lakes.
Though I would say that none of these environmentalists were born before the oil companies started to clean it up or even their parents likely never even heard of the oil sands region. When I lived in Fort Mac the only way you could get there was by air or train, there was no highway.
So instead of attacking the oil industry we should applaud them for cleaning up an oil spill from a million years ago… That’s the trouble with these so called green people, they only hear and shout out the propaganda they have been paid for, and know nothing of the past history… Can’t believe there is such a following of the chicken little’s.”
These companies were also a huge part in the rescue and housing of fleeing victims of the Fort Mac fires.
We are now in the bull$#%&!@*cycle.
Rho Wilson , We can not leave out his Royal ” ameoba shittyness ” Al ” global warming ” Gore ……——->Al Gore’s Inconvenient Toxic waste Dump –
Al Gore the supposedly daddy of the Internet/Computer & Global Warming is a E.P.A. Nightmare polluter…..Gene
Environmentalist Gore allowed zinc mine – USATODAY.com
USA Today
Mar 18, 2007 – CARTHAGE, Tenn. — Al Gore has profited from zinc mining that has released millions of pounds of potentially toxic substances near his …
Al Gore, Environmentalist And Zinc Miner – WSJ
The Wall Street Journal
Jun 29, 2000 – The author of “Earth in the Balance” has a zinc mine on his farm in Carthage,Tennessee which has been shown to pollute both water and soil …
From Al to Zinc: Mine Story Shows How a Fatherly Favor Haunts Gore …
http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB973036632901764935 The Wall Street Journal
The Gore family sold mining rights to property in Carthage, Tenn., three decades ago — and the environmental legacy of zinc mining haunts Al Gore Jr. to this day. … for the EPA makes a more serious claim about the plant in Clarksville, Tenn., …
Hometown Paper Exposes Zinc Mine on Al Gore’s Property | Fox News
Fox News Channel
Mar 20, 2007 – As Gore gets set to testify, hometown paper exposes zinc mine on his property. … citing a zinc mining operation on his Tennessee farm that has lined his … in the air, water and land around the area, according to the EPA’s.
Al Gore, polluter? – WND.com
Oct 20, 2000 – Although Al Gore frequently hammers George W. Bush about … Recent tests revealed that zinc levels in the pond exceed EPA and Tennessee Department … claiming to be an environmentalist, the zinc mining operation on his …
Al Gore’s Inconvenient Toxic Waste Dump – Free Republic
Give back the money!
Rho Wilson , Yeah know Dino meat ” rots ” & their bones are everywhere & museums too !…..So I believe in this next info , because we had good Geology /Physics/Chemistry Teachers when education was really High Class !! This was a topic of conversation also !!! —->Oil is not a Fossil Fuel !—->by Peter J. Morgan—————————————————->####
To recapitulate, Stalin’s team of scientists and engineers found that oil is not a ‘fossil fuel’ but is a natural product of planet earth – the high-temperature, high-pressure continuous reaction between calcium carbonate and iron oxide – two of the most abundant compounds making up the earth’s crust. This continuous reaction occurs at a depth of approximately 100 km at a pressure of approximately 50,000 atmospheres (5 GPa) and a temperature of approximately 1500°C, and will continue more or less until the ‘death’ of planet earth in millions of years’ time. The high pressure, as well as centrifugal acceleration from the earth’s rotation, causes oil to continuously seep up along fissures in the earth’s crust into subterranean caverns, which we call oil fields. Oil is still being produced in great abundance, and is a sustainable resource – by the same definition that makes geothermal energy a sustainable resource. All we have to do is develop better geotechnical science to predict where it is and learn how to drill down deep enough to get to it. So far, the Russians have drilled to more than 13 km and found oil. In contrast, the deepest any Western oil company has drilled is around 4.5 km.
A team consisting of Russian scientists and Dr J. F. Kenney, of Gas Resources Corporation, Houston, USA, have actually built a reactor vessel and proven that oil is produced from calcium carbonate and iron oxide, as detailed on the Gas Resourceswebsite. This is what Dr Kenney has to say about how he came to be involved: “In the first instance, the articles on this website are dedicated to the memory of Nikolai Alexandrovich Kudryavtsev, who first enunciated in 19511 what has become the modern Russian-Ukrainian theory of deep, abiotic petroleum origins. After Kudryavtsev, all the rest followed. Secondly, these articles are dedicated generally to the many geologists, geochemists, geophysicists, and petroleum engineers of the former U.S.S.R. who, during the past half century, developed modern petroleum science. By doing so, they raised their country from being, in 1946, a relatively petroleum-poor one, to the greatest petroleum producing and exporting nation in the world today. These articles are dedicated specifically to the late Academician Emmanuil Bogdanovich Chekaliuk, the greatest statistical thermodynamicist ever to have turned his formidable intellect to the problem of petroleum genesis. In the Summer of 1976, during the depths of the cold war and at immeasurable hazard, Academician Chekaliuk chose to respond, across a gulf of political hostility, to an unsolicited letter from an unknown American chief executive officer of a petroleum company headquartered in Houston, Texas. Thenafter and for almost fifteen years, Academician Chekaliuk was my teacher, my collaborator, and my friend. [JFK] 1. Kudryavtsev, N. A. (1951) Petroleum Economy [Neftianoye Khozyaistvo] 9, 17-29.”
Needless to say, the last people to tell us the truth about oil will be the oil producers and oil companies, for they of course have a vested interest in perpetuating the myth that oil is a fossil fuel and that it will soon be exhausted, in order to ratchet up the price for as long as they can. And don’t look to the Russians to enlighten the world with the truth about oil either, for they are surely laughing now that the oil price is approaching $US150 a barrel.
A US Public Service Radio interview with Dr Kenney may be heard on the Gas Resources website.
Some may ask “How come all of this isn’t commonly known?” For the answer, one needs to consider what happened to Galileo when he first put forward the hypothesis that rather than the conventional wisdom that the sun revolved around the earth, the earth revolved around the sun. He was branded a heretic and locked up! You are invited to read an excellent article entitled “Cognitive Processes and the Suppression of Sound Scientific Ideas”, by J. Sacherman 1997.
Some may say “Well, even if oil is a renewable resource, mankind should not burn it because the carbon dioxide so produced causes global warming.” My answer to that is that the idea that mankind’s production of carbon dioxide causes global warming is merely a hypothesis, and this has been thoroughly discredited by Prof. Robert Carter and numerous other scientists.
You are invited to listen to a recording of a brief radio interview with Prof. Carter, where he succinctly explains that after spending billions on researching the topic, no climate scientists have ever succeeded in finding any scientifically valid link between man-made carbon dioxide and global warming.. He makes the point that whatever effects mankind’s production of carbon dioxide have on earth’s climate, they are immeasurably small and are swamped by the changes in climate that occur naturally.
You are also invited to view a video of Prof. Robert Carter’s demolition of the “mankind’s production of carbon dioxide causes global warming” hypothesis at where you will see Prof. Carter illustrate five examples of verifiable science that refute the hypothesis. Prof. Carter makes the point that truth in science is never decided by consensus, but if you prefer to believe the pronouncement by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that “2,500 scientists of the United Nation’s IPCC agree that humans are causing a climate crisis”, which is repeated ad nauseam by environmentalists
Polar Bears are OK as well, Glaciers still there, Gore is just another money whore
Rho Wilson , The icing on the cake !!!!!——————————–>Black privilege /White guilt/Slavery
Hey ” BLM ” you want your ” 40 acres & mule ” go get it from your Democrat Socialist Party out of their pockets only !! Because 140 years +- Dem. Sent. Stephen Douglas & co-horts of Southern & northern democrats(KKK) took that law away from you after Pres. Lincoln was shot !!!!! Here is my feelings on this all !! Below: Black privilege /White guilt/Slavery
Simpley put ……” Do not act like sublife around policemen/women & do as your as asked to do in a criminal act & you’ll live throught it ” !!……………….Get a proper education & act like a Human being with some intelligence & you will have a great job or find a niech in society & fill it & you’ll become a self-employed wealthy person !!!!……………..However , if all your going to do is this do not expect much at all from life or society !!!—————————————————>>Baltimore,Md. Black Privilege..
This is all such a crock of Tax payers loss……Gene
Black Privilege……. Yea that’s right…I said it…When you work in Baltimore Black Privilege affect’s the way you can support yourself and your family…If you have an electrical job to do in the city…You must wait until 10 or 11 am to find a parking spot…Because the Black Privileged do not get out of bed until then…No one leaves there Section 8 house till then..That is the houses we pay for…Then most of them leave in there new Volvo or Caddy…Yes there is more than one at every house…They get Leap energy assistance for there heating bill too…If you work in there house you will find a giant flat screen in every room…I know one family that gets $1.200.00 a month food stamps…No one has a taxable job…They have a beauty salon in the basement..The one kid has a tattoo parlor up stairs..The dad and another son have a construction biz out of the garage…The nicest furnishings,cars and clothes i have ever seen…That is Black Privilege… And did i mention that no one gets out of bed until 10 am..
Because there is no ” White Guilt ” period !!——————————————->>Slavery & white guilt in 2016
Nobody today is alive in the time of slavery . We were not the only one’s who bought slaves & surely not the first either. I do not condone ever owning another human being , but Islamic countries do today , FACT!! . I n the past the other countries were ..England/Spain/Portugal / Netherlands-Dutch/France/Saudi Arabia & other African black nations sold them to the these countries. Samuel ” Black Sam ” Bellamy used his Whydah Galley to transport slaves , he was a Black Pirate . We as a caucasian race are not responsible for all the wrongs done & there were white slaves too in past history by other countries capturing through war & selling them into slavery(ROME ring a bell) from Europe to Asia to Polynesia & back. So I myself have no guilt for any of this at all , I was not born yet & not my responsibility ..Have a safe year .
There is NO ” White Privilege ” either !!!!—————————————————->>>There is ” NO WHITE Privilege ” in this here just a lot of ” HARD WORK ” !!!—————->>I do have been self-employed in the Timber Industry for 35 years & Agriculture all my life. Can not be stupid to feed stupid people & produce timber for your houses & 5,000 other products you use in daily life , that I’m sure your not even familiar with or realize this. I also assure you that my Family line has been here before George Washington’s time & fought in every war since that one & it has plenty of branches on it. Cherokee/Sicilian /English/Irish/Scott/German , I could go collect rep money from U.S. /Libya/Rome/Spain/Ethiopia /Egypt & Greece for enslaving all of my bloodline relatives !!!!! Every last one of these countries had slaves (white or off color) at one time or another thru war ! Of course U.S. Jackson$#%&!@*also almost killed us off & we fought him to get rid of the British !! Jackson was the beginning of criminal land activities & genocide in favor of gold/timber/farmlands !!!!!!!
Gore in my neck of the woods they will say you’re full of s**t