Piece by piece, the left-wing narrative that the planet is in danger because of man-made climate change is falling apart, so much so that only the most hard-line environmentalist can continue denying it.
The most recent, damning evidence comes from a study by the Dutch Deltares Research Institute, a name that doesn’t exactly spring to mind when one thinks of “right-wing propaganda outlets.” Yet this is precisely what liberals will claim it is when they get wind of the results of their research.
Examining the rate of land to water at coastlines over the past 30 years, the study found that coastal areas have seen around 21,000 new square miles of land during the duration of the study, with a total of 107,000 new square miles around the world being recorded.
This finding flies directly in the face of climate change alarmists’ claims that we are losing ground due to global warming. Even the conductors of the study were shocked by the results, admitting that they expected to find a lower incidence of land than they actually found.
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The guy along with Soros are both but cases.
Another environmental,global warming ,idiot. God and nature are in control of the weather
Never believed him, only the real science, which, by the way, they didn’t talk about anymore since this global warming hoax.
But he did invent the internet
he doesn’t care……..already got his millions from the scam
Al Gore is an inferior politician who thinks he’s a scientist. He has zero accomplishment as a Vice President. The stupid liberals gave him an award for a stupid non factual slide show. Part of the everybody gets a trophy for participating. If you remember obammi got one too. Now both of these morons think they’re gods when in fact their just plain old turds. Only an idiot would follow either one.
FU Asshole
Al Gore and those spouting this “global warming” c**p have enriched themselves at the expense of the rest of us. Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomen and always has been.