According to a new study by scientists from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2 million people in California and the Midwest are living on top of 2 aquifer sites highly contaminated by uranium.
These 2 aquifers provide drinking water for 6 million residents.
Around 275,000 groundwater samples were analyized from 62,000 locations by researchers and the results show that upwards of a couple these wells that have 180 times the safe level of uranium as outlined by the EPA.
The total area of contamination accounts for around one-sixth of U.S. cropland.
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Not in the usa yet, but yes elsewhere
That’s not all…
Actually, yes in the USA. Iowa, Utah, California, Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Nevada and Arizona all have towns, municipalities and counties with regulated bans on collecting rain water and/or strict limits on how much. Fines and fees are heavy in those areas and some residents have actually been arrested for multiple violations of the regs and rules. While states themselves have no laws or rules (except California), localities within these states do have them. It may take a little digging but google it.
Barry has his community cronies infiltrating our local city councils into creating city ordinances get involved in you local city meeting to shut their practices down
Don’t forget Colorado
I heard of one story in oregon, but that guy diverted a steam, people don’t have a right to do that. But in my opinion nobody owns the rain
Tons and tons of places already illegal to collect rainwater
Dean Anderson … is illegal in Oregon where I live to collect rain water… man got fined because he had a pond for his livestock and it collected rainwater…..he was to use troughs and have a well or buy water
The pond gut diverted streams and had millions upon millions of gallons. The only issue was diverting the srreams, wich is wrong. But basic rain collecting should be completely legal, just not altering streams
Harmful to health