Revisionist history has students at University of Missouri claiming that Thomas Jefferson was a racist and a rapist. Because of this historical deception, some students are demanding that the Jefferson statue be removed from the campus.
Read on page two the lengths at which the students have gone to have the statue removed.
“Students Want” They are called students because they are still learning to reach some from of usefulness to themselves and society.
Actually, it is a well
Known fact that Jefferson was a racist and had sex with his slaves. A little research goes a long way before you post.
His mother was black but thats something you would want to hide back than. Just like most Americans have a native race person in the wood pile they would hide.
Why wouldn’t they? All they hear in school is heavy emphasis on the man’s faults, and virtually NO teaching about his incisive thinking on individual freedom & his deep criticism of slavery.
Why would tinfoil hat liberal professors point out anything positive about America & the Fathers, when they can send their minions to the polls with their ridiculous ideas in their heads?
It’s a cold dead, heartless statue that is part of this countries history.
Angel Toro A little more research reveals that he was against the institution of slavery, even though he owned slaves.
No man is absolutely this, or absolutely that Angel… including you.
Real research about Jefferson might even open YOUR eyes.
Nevertheless Angel Toro the statue is lifeless, the man is dead, and it is part of your history as it is all of America’s. It is totally ridiculous the things that are happening in this country. Slaves are no more. Slavery ended, people have changed. No there are these idiots who are awaking something that has slept for a long time. Awakening the dead isn’t good.
These kids and whoever teaches them this stuff, are morons