Have you ever dreamt of a white Christmas? It would seem that students at a college in Virginia haven’t. Why? Because dreaming of a white Christmas is racist. Apparently, nature is racist . . .
Out to prove that colleges are consumed by political correctness, an MRC reporter by the name of Dan Joseph visited a college campus in Virginia with a clipboard in his hand to see how many students could be convinced that Big Crosby’s classic Christmas song is filled with “micro-aggression”.
He tells students that the lyrics are insulting to people of color because they insinuate that white is the best color of snow. As could be expected students didn’t stop to think that white is the only color snow . . . or at least the only natural colored snow. With a few sarcastic words on stopping “white supremacy” people were lined up to sign it.
See the video on the next page.
For goodness sakes people they are talking about friggin snow bunch o idiots!
are they for real snow is white not black they are idiots
Are you serious! Wow people are so ignorant!
The meaning behind “White Christmas” is the color of Snow is White and has nothing to do with Racism!
Excuse me these are college students. Sounds like kindergarten
Stupid I guess we have mud for snow I didn’t know we had that many people with nothing to do but cause trouble cant call them stupid they are not just plain trouble makers too much time on there hands if no one likes the way the United States has been for the last 200 years why don’t you just leave don’t stay leave you don’t as you know you have it good here so shut your mouth or leave go live in Japan for one year you think you have it so bad here I fell sorry for my heavenly father when judgement day comes
Omg really wtf. Stupid liberal retards!
Send you kids to school to make them dumber !! Really bright parents.
It’s really scary that these “highly educated” really stupid people are going to be America’s future leaders. Hey stupid, the song was about white snow, not your white skin!
So today some go to school and get stupid…lol